ADI and Parent Communication.
If you sit at the test centre, or in a Facebook Group, for long enough, eventually you will find an ADI complaining about a parent only being interested in getting their child through their driving test as quickly as possible.
There are two ways for ADIs to deal with this kind of challenge. The first is to accept that it’s just part of the job, try to ignore it, and complain about it to colleagues. We can even get a laugh out of it () if we paint the scenario well enough.
The second way is to be a bit more reflective and consider the opportunities. Parents have been rushing their children through driving lessons for over 50 years. As an industry, we’re brilliant at complaining about it, but hardly anyone ever tries to do anything about it.
The fact is that the way we train people to drive has (hopefully) changed. As a result, we need to be able to effectively communicate this to our customers.
If you are an ADI...
"There was an interesting post on Facebook this morning. I regret seeing it because it’s going to take over my morning as I now have to write this piece. (Incidentally, I recently discovered that I was spending almost 4 hours per day on my phone. 25% of the time I spend awake. I had to make some changes.)
Anyway. I was on Facebook. And the DITC asked what I would do if I was CEO of the DVSA.
Now, the DVSA is in a mess which means that it was no surprise to see ADIs calling them out on the current shambles of test waiting times, lack of examiners, lack of budget from the DfT etc.
Gareth Marchant got me thinking, though. He suggested separating vehicle testing from training and moving the training side out of the Department of Transport and into the Department of Education. Wise man. Great start.
The first thing that came to mind for me when I looked at the post was how would I overhaul the ADI training system. How would I change things for a better future, as opposed...
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